When looking for a helmet the first thing is the head’s protection level, but when in hot weather, it’s also important to consider specific characteristics that will keep you cool, without sacrificing safety.
When looking for a helmet the first thing is the head’s protection level, but when in hot weather, it’s also important to consider specific characteristics that will keep you cool, without sacrificing safety.
When looking for a helmet the first thing is the head’s protection level, but when in hot weather, it’s also important to consider specific characteristics that will keep you cool, without sacrificing safety.
What can be nicer than a long adventure with your motorcycle on a hot summer evening? or being able to take the much-desired road up to the mountain under the sun?
As spring turns to summer, usually many motorcycle enthusiasts hit the road more easily, but at the same time they have to deal with hot weather.
In the summer months, the heat can make wearing a helmet very uncomfortable; that’s why it’s important to choose the right helmet that will reduce as much as possible the problems caused by hot weather.
Let’s find out together what are the key helmet features for summer riding.
Two of the main aspects to consider when looking for a summer helmet are:
There is no worse feeling than suffering hot and sweating due to a scarce helmet ventilation, don’t you agree? For this reason, it’s important that hot weather motorcycle helmets, especially flip-ups and full-faces, are equipped with air intake and exhaust vents to prevent you from sweating and enjoy your ride, as many of the Caberg’s helmets.
With regard to visibility, the long summer days and warm evenings allow us to enjoy long rides, but a prolonged exposure to the sun’s rays can though be a problem for the eyes and affect the road visibility; that’s why it’s important to use a helmet equipped with a sun shade visor that protects your eyes from UV rays.
The majority of Caberg helmets models are equipped with the Double Visor Tech (DVT) system that thanks to an integrated sun shade visor, helps the eyes from the glare of sunlight all day long.
Double Visor Tech (DVT): Integrated sun shade visor system
In urban areas, during the summer, temperatures rise a lot and the heat is almost unbearable, making commuting more difficult; that’s why in this situation the most popular helmet model is an open face.
The open-face helmets are the ones that leave your face more exposed and will consequently flow the most air to your head during hot season.
Caberg offers a wide range of open-face models ideal for summer riding
We go from the elegance and vintage style of the FREERIDE, the versatility of the GHOST, the comfort of the RIVIERA V4 and UPTOWN models, to the high-quality materials of the FLYON.
The long summer days provide you with plenty of opportunities to get out and ride. The most popular touring helmets are modulars, or flip-front helmets, that if approved with dual P/J homologation can be safely used with the chin-bar down, or locked in an open position.
With a dual-homologated helmet you have the benefit to get some fresh air whenever you desire with the chin guard locked in the open position, and at the same time the possibility to have a full-face helmet for greater protection in case of wind or rain of if needed.
Caberg offers various modular helmets including the top of the range models the LEVO and the HORUS, equipped with a panoramic ultra-wide visor that allows a larger field of view.
Whatever your specific needs and taste, Caberg has numerous models suitable for your summer!
For the full Caberg range, please visit: https://www.caberg.it/en/helmets/